Cookie policy

Cookies and other storage technologies

In this policy, we explain how we use cookies and what choices you have regarding these. For processing the data we collect via cookies, we refer to our privacy policy. Cookies are small pieces of text that are used to store information on browsers or mobile devices when you visit a website for the first time in order to recognize your device on the next visit. Other technologies, including data stored on your browser or device and identifiers associated with your device or other software, are also used for similar purposes. In this policy we refer to all these technologies as «cookies». Today, several websites use cookies. In many cases, cookies help provide a high-quality user experience. Cookies are passive files that can neither collect information stored on your device nor carry viruses or install malware.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to investigate and analyze your use of our websites in order to improve the websites and offer you a relevant experience and to communicate your behavior to our partners so that they too can offer you relevant advertisements and offers. We use cookies if you have a Skippo account, use Skippo’s services (for example websites and apps) or visit other websites and apps that use Skippo’s services. The information collected by us is anonymous. It is therefore not possible to collect personal data from it.

Cookies are used by us for the following purposes:

  • Authentication to ensure that you are the one using your Skippo account;
  • Security to protect user accounts and our websites and services in general;
  • Analyzes of the use of our website to improve the functions of the website and deepen the user experience;
  • Statistics to develop our services;
  • Advertising to help display ads that are relevant to you;
  • We store your preferences after your consent for how we may use cookies.
  • Please note that the cookies we use may change over time as we improve and update Skippo’s services.

What cookies do we use?

Certain types of cookies, so-called session cookies, are only stored on your device as long as the browser is open. Other types of cookies, so-called permanent cookies, are stored on your device for a longer period of time and when you return to the website, they are automatically renewed. In some cases, cookies from Skippo’s partners are also placed on your device, so-called third-party cookies.

Cookies from Skippo

Cookies are created by Skippo when users visit our websites. Skippo places session cookies on your device which are then deleted when you close the browser. These are used to:

  • recognize your computing device;
  • register when you visit the website;
  • identify your requests when you use the website.

We also place permanent cookies. These cookies record:

  • how often you visit the website;
  • how long you spend on the website;
  • if you come to the website via a search engine, a keyword or a link.
Cookies from Skippo’s partners (third party)

Skippo’s partners in the ad network, including Google Analytics, use cookies that can be stored on your computer while you visit our website. Google Analytics collects information about websites using cookies. The information collected about our website is used to create reports on the use of it. Google’s privacy policy can be found at We publish Google AdSense search-based ads on our website. These are tailored by Google to reflect your search terms. In order to determine your preferences, Google will use cookies to track your behavior on our website and on other websites on the Internet.

In addition to this, Skippo’s other partners can place cookies on Skippo’s websites.

Settings for cookies

You can manage your preferences regarding the use of cookies on our website by clicking on one of the links called «Cookie Settings». You can view, delete or add interest categories associated with your browser and manage third-party cookies placed by AdSense by visiting: However, said mechanisms use cookies themselves. This means that if you clear all cookies from your computer, your choice will not be able to be enforced. To ensure that the choice not to have cookies is maintained on a particular browser, you can use Google’s browser plug-in program available at:

How to delete or disable cookies?

The process for deleting or turning off cookies on your device depends on the browser you are using. If you are using a PC, you can delete cookies by using a desktop shortcut [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Delete].

If that doesn’t work or if you’re using a Mac computer, follow the guidelines found under the following links depending on the browser you’re using:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Flash cookies

Keep in mind that if you choose to block all cookies, it has a negative impact on the functionality of many of Skippo’s services. Contact us if you have any questions

If you have any questions about cookies, please contact